Another 45g
Another very acceptable weight gain this morning. Amelia will have a blood gas this afternoon which should tell us how successful the transfusion was in increasing her haemoglobin levels as well as checking her Sodium levels.
On Friday August 6th 2004 at 16:52, Amelia Jane Wilson-Barnes was born 13 weeks premature weighing 2lbs 2oz. This website is a journal of how she and the rest of us are getting on.
Another very acceptable weight gain this morning. Amelia will have a blood gas this afternoon which should tell us how successful the transfusion was in increasing her haemoglobin levels as well as checking her Sodium levels.
I couldn't keep my hands off little Amelia yesterday. She's getting much more chunky now and it's hard to resist the tempatation to paw at her. Here's a picture of me tormenting the poor little mite plus a more restful image just to prove she can get to sleep after a tickling encounter with her father.
Popped in with Anna this morning to see Amelia and it's astonishing how much she's grown. She's also a very different colour than before she had the transfusion.
At long last Anna recalls the events of August 6th.
It seems odd but it's now more than before that Anna and I are feeling the strain of parenthood but I think it's very normal somehow. What I mean is that Anna is spending a great deal of time looking after Amelia and as a result we're not getting a lot of time together as we used to. I think it's because Amy is acting more like a normal baby now and as a result we're acting more like normal parents and that means less sleep and time to doss around right?
I'm learning to really love the fighting spirit of my little daughter. At today's weigh-in she's gained a whopping 65g, her biggest yet taking her to 3lb 11oz in 'old money'. Having decorated the cot with yesterday's 5PM feed she hasn't been sick since so we're not panicking about stomach problems now.
Yesterday was not a tremendous day all in all and when Anna finally got home at around 8:00PM she was completely exhausted. Amy had vomited almost her entire 5PM feed which meant having just done her cares Anna had to completely change her again. Additionally we learned yesterday that Amelia's haemoglobin is quote low and to remedy this she needed a small blood transfusion last night.
Cake that is. Once again Amy's Angels were heartily thankful for the Banana & Chocolate Chip Cake, Chocolate Brownies and Dolly Mixture Fairy Cakes that arrived on Sunday courtesy of Mum & Lu. As reward for your kitchen endeavours here are some wonderful moving pictures.
Well we're all grown up now eh? Amelia is trying 4-hourly feeds today for the first time so she'll get her goodies at 9, 1 and 5 o'clock from now on. She'll still be getting Gaviscon with each feed but it looks like she may come off the Caffeine this week too.
Yesterday was really great because I got to see Amelia 3 times and had a good chance to hold and cuddle her. Normally I see her early morning and she's a bit sluggish (wonder where she gets that from) but yesterday she was more animated than I've seen her before, like a different child. It was also the first time she looked just like a normal baby. She's even making all the right gurgling sounds too.
This morning's weigh-in saw an increase of 55g for the little lady which takes her to an amazing 3lb 8oz. She is now basically back off the low-flow Oxygen and is just getting a waft of O2 after feeding when her tummy is doing somersaults. No sick-ups yet today though I'm told which is an improvement too. After the blood gas this week Amelia was also taken off the Sodium supplement which you may remember was added to help her weight gain. Another test today will tell us whether she's coping without it.
Sorry I couldn't resist & I've been listening to the Beatles this week. Amelia is back on the 'low-flow' tubes this morning but this isn't surprising apparently. She'd done very well without for a day or so but the tubes are now back on so she can get the O2 if and when she needs it. It's not actually on all the time I understand but it also makes it easier if she does need a belt.
Well astonishingly Amelia has been without her Oxygen prongs for over 24 hours now and is doing fine. Apparently she did need some O2 wafting under her nose after feeds during the night but other than that she's breathing the same air as us.
I couldn't think of a cute strap-line for this one but what the hell. Yesterday afternoon they decided to try removing Amelia's Oxygen prongs to see how she'd cope. We weren't expecting anything to be honest but this morning they were still out and she's been doing fine. This is really fantastic news because it means that she's gone a long way to sorting out her lung problems and can now concentrate all her energies on growing. Anna will get the first picture of Amy without her face gear today and I'll post it this evening.
Over the last couple of days Amelia has been closely scrutinized regarding her posture and position. Yesterday the physiotherapist spent a good 15 minutes with Anna talking about how her lying positions can affect the still-developing shape of her bones and skull. Basically she seems to have extremely good control of her limbs and is doing all the normal stuff - hands to face etc - very well. I'll post some stuff in Amy's Classroom when I get a sec.
So how did today's revelation come about? Well according to Anna, when she arrived this morning Amelia's blanket was pulled back as she'd been getting too hot. In fact for some days the temperature in the incubator had been on it's lowest setting. At morning cares Anna had removed Amy's nappy which suspiciously contained no solids. Unfortunately while it was being disposed of Amy managed to project the rest of her payload directly onto the bottom end of the incubator with some style. Given that this results in a major clean-up/disinfect job the point was raised about whether she needed to go back in after it was cleaned. After some discussion Amy was given the all-clear to leave what has been her whole world since she was born 6 weeks ago.
Shot straight to the hospital after work today to meet an extremely excited Anna, bubbling with the revelation that our little of bundle of joy no longer needs to live in a plastic box. Louise was kind enough to do the honours to provide us with our very first family photograph. Not quite what we had planned a few months ago but it'll do just fine and the picture of Amelia is the first I took of her in her open cot outside the incubator. She is sporting a wonderful hand-knitted cardigan courtesy of my old roomie Mike Trodd's mum. Thanks Jan, it's the only one we have which fits her at the moment!
Just had word from Anna via a third party that Amelia has been moved out of her incubator into an open cot. We had known that 1500g was the minimum weight they would do this but we're a bit surprised that it's happened straight away. More details later/tomorrow.
Back from holiday on Friday Ffelsh & Grouse shot straight down for a visit yesterday.
Anna just called in with Amelia's weight today which is up 35g to the magical 1500g figure (about 3lb 4.5oz in real money). The doctors gave her a bit of a prod & poke and concluded that all was well with her too. She's due a blood test to check her Sodium levels but this may come tomorrow now.
Amelia seems now to be much more animated when she's being tended to. In all respects she's now beginning to look and act much more like a baby if that makes sense. We're seeing a great deal more arm-waving and leg-kicking in conjunction with various levels of grizzling when she gets her face wiped. After watching her lie motionless for long periods of time over the past few weeks it's very therapeutic to watch her wriggling around.
Apparently Amelia decided to remove her nose tube last night which swiftly resulted in her being sick over poor Louise. What a gem!
Unbelievable eh? Here we are again talking about another week passing in Amelia's life. I can't quite believe how quickly the time is whizzing past now given the torture of the first few agonising hours and days. The thought that we could be halfway there and that she might come home soon is incredible.
Amelia has gained 30g since Tuesday which is still fine apparently. All seems spectacularly dull down there today for Anna which is marvellous. She popped up to see the midwives for a check-up and discovered that the sharp pain she's been getting in her side is probably her ovaries switching back on again! I feel a headache coming on.
I couldn't help it. Amy sent me a message telepathically which I could only translate as 'Come on you Blues'. What could I do? If she happens to choose the same team as Anna & me then so be it.
I'm sorry to bring this up but what Amy had left in her nappy this morning couldn't possibly be the product of her digestive system alone. I swear other people are shipping it in!
At this morning's weigh-in Amelia was 1385g which is up 55g from Sunday and takes her to just over 3lb, a mini-milestone.
Amelia was fine for the rest of the afternoon today and Anna managed a quick cuddle after 4PM cares. Here's some footage.
Anna's uncle Nick and his wife Marianne made the trek from St Albans yesterday which was really nice. Great to see you folks, hope Amelia was worth the trip. Next time we'll bring her to see your new house eh?
Well I'm proud to say that things in the Neonatal unit are particularly dull at the moment. On Sunday morning during the doctor's round our little bundle of joy was deliberately ignored despite much cajoling from myself. Joking aside it really is great that Amelia seems to be doing so well that they've even given up prodding and poking her now. She put on another 50g at yesterday's weigh-in and she seems to be filling out nicely. The Gaviscon in her feed has led to less reflux and Bradycardias which is great news.
I know it's a corny strapline but heck it's 7 in the morning! I'm doing a quick post before I display disgraceful parenting disregard and scoot off up to Manchester for the football. The withdrawal symptons are getting too much now.
Well she was trailing for a few days but came good at the last. You all voted Anna as the most resembled by Amelia whis good news for Amelia I guess. Another thrilling reader's poll will follow next week. Can you curb your excitement?
This morning's weigh-in showed Amelia up another 45g to 1280g (around 2lb 13oz). This is good..very good.
It's not unusual for the Wilson-Barnes family to encounter digestion difficulties. It's kind of a trademark if you like. For the past few days Amelia has been suffering from Gastroesophageal Reflux (also called GER or reflux) to some degree which manifests itself as vomiting after feeds. Refluxing occurs when the stomach acid and partially digested food flow back up through the Lower Aesophageal Sphincter or LES into the aesophagus. All children and adults will naturally reflux throughout the day, especially after eating. However, if the muscle opens too frequently and refluxing occurs too often, complications can develop.
It's amazing to think that 5 whole weeks have passed since Amelia was born but here we are. On Saturday she'll be the equivalent of 32 weeks gestation and there's a small chance that Anna will be able to try breast-feeding soon. What a landmark that'll be!
Tomorrow is the last day for this week's visitor vote Who does Amy Resemble The Most?. Anna is trailing with only 17% of the vote so far so if you think Amelia has the lovely looks of her mother get clicking. I'm in the lead of course so if you're of the opinion that our wunderkind has the god-like gorgeousness of her father, join the masses and vote with your finger (on your mouse of course).
Well it was all going a bit too swimmingly wasn't it? No need to panic but Amy's back on the 2-hourly feeds now. It seems she wasn't fully coping with the 28ml every 3 hours so they'll just knock it back a bit. Nobody seems to be too concerned as every baby is different and it just means we'll have to wait awhile before trying her on 3-hour feeds again. Ultimately we want to get to 4-hour feeds of course but we're not in any hurry.
We went to see the our friendly GP yesterday who cleared Anna to start driving again. This means that she'll be able to take herself in and out of the hospital when she wants as opposed to having to stay there all day. It also means that yours truly won't be in every morning as I have been up until now. I'll have to rely on Anna letting me know after the doctor's round for any news but we'll keep on top of it. I guess the bulkier updates will be done in the evening from now on.
This post is one of the real reasons the whole site is here. As I was travelling back home from the hospital on the night of August 6th I realised that there was too much going on inside my head to stay there if that makes any sense. I've never kept a diary but there have been times in my life when I wished I had. I've learned that you block out the bad stuff once it passes but I didn't want everything I was feeling to just disappear - so here it is.
I had to drop Anna off this morning so I didn't get so see Amelia but I've just had the news that at this morning's weigh-in our little lady has gained another 40 grammes taking her to 1.235kg (around 2lbs 11oz). She's also up to 28ml of milk every 3 hours and save a few bits of sick here and there she seems to be taking that OK too.
And that's not easy to say either! Have a look at Amy's emails for some great messages from overseas visitors to the site. It really gives us a boost when someone we don't even know sends messages of support so please keep them coming either on the message-board or via email.
Popped in this morning and Amelia seemed to be OK on the new 3-hourly feeds which is good. Her Oxygen intake at the moment is a trace levels but we're just hoping that the cold she may developing isn't severe enough to push that up. All in all at the moment she seems to be doing fine.
I was in Birmingham for most of today and have only just managed to get online. Amy had her biggest weight gain yet over the last two days, a whole 80grammes which is excellent news. On the downside she does seem to be developing a cold which is not good. This means she'll have to put all her energies into fighting that off for the next few days - not easy when you basically don't have an immune system yet. We just need to hope that it doesn't effect her Oxygen requirements too much and that she recovers quickly.
Well here we are 4 weeks to the day. I was hoping for a lot of things then and I've learned a lot since. Martin Luther King said:
Amelia was on top form again this morning. Yesterday she had been started on vitamin and mineral supplements. During the final trimester of pregnancy is when babies bulk up on fat and reserves and of course Amy missed out on this. As a result all the nutrition she is getting daily is being used which means she needs extra goodies to get some flesh on them bones. Apparently they taste like s*** and she'll probably sick them up for a couple of days until her tummy gets used to them. Nice
The art of good copy is to create news when there isn't any to print. Here's some webstats for this site in case anyone's even remotely interested.
Sorry folks, very little to report today so far. Popped in for cares and the weigh-in this morning and Amelia has gained 30g in the last 2 days which is good. A nicely soiled nappy and she seems to be tolerating the new 2-hourly feeds.
Tonight Tom & Carrie came down with Carrie's mum Debs who wanted to meet her ladyship. Amelia was lounging around in her leisure suit as usual, I really must speak to her about that. Actually it's quite interesting because everybody else has seen Amelia pretty soon after she was born but to have been keeping track for the past 3 weeks and then to meet Amelia in the flesh must be quite odd.
Amelia seems to be tolerating the intermittent feeds and this morning was on 8ml every two hours. We were just in time to administer her 9:00 feast.
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Welcome to all of you and thanks for your support.