'Project Tricycle'
As many of you know, we have no driveway and the back garden is predominantly lawn. Not any more! Against all sane advice I've dug a whopping great hole outside the back door and the plan is to turn this into a fairly large expanse of decking. One main use for this will be to let my little treasure wear herself out going round and round it on her trike.
On Saturday when the wood arrived there was only one place the lorry could unload - across the road. This left me with only one alternative - to carry the lot back to the house myself. 38 deckboards, 32 joists and 3 x 4-metre posts - that's just over a tonne of timber folks, hoiked on my ickle shoulder in just over 2 hours. Did I feel it the next day? You bet your cahunas. Anyhoo once the wood was shifted there Amelia needed to pose triumphantly on my behalf with shades of the Kenny Everett Show. All we needed to do now was arrange the wood in a kind of deck-like configuration right? What could possibly go wrong?
Tune in later for more news. We're off to Cornwall again for a week so have a great weekend(s) until we get back and make sure you enjoy what's left of the Summer. You'll miss it when it's gone.
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