Are Amy's Fan Club's Days Numbered?
Well great developments here this morning. Amelia will come off the Oxygen saturation monitor today and the Apnoea (breathing) monitor probably tomorrow. At today's weigh-in she has gained 55g and is now 2205 (4lb 13oz). This means that if she continues breastfeeding today and tomorrow and has gained weight on Friday, we'll be rooming in on Friday night.
Rooming in is a procedure where parents spend the night at the unit in special rooms with their baby to get used to the idea of looking after them through the night. This provides a kind of 'halfway house' from the relative safety of the unit to the 'perils' of being at home. Basically you do this for a couple of nights before taking your baby home which means, astonishingly that Amelia could come home this Sunday.
I obviously don't need to express what we're feeling about that possibility so let's everybody get our fingers crossed eh? The flipside of this is of course that Amy's Fan Club could be broadcasting it's last news bulletins very soon.
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