Well it looks like they fixed the problem with the pictures so we're back full steam ahead with more posts as promised. Here are the girls enjoying breakfast in bed on Mother's Day the other week. Amelia was very excited to be helping and we made a jolly old mess in the kitchen but at least Anna got a bit of a lie-in plus the perks. Of course Amy had to have her own as well to ensure pilfering didn't occur and I think on balance it went rather well.
News-wise there's not much to report apart from Amy talking 10 to the dozen as usual. She's off to stay with Grandma & Godma this week from Monday to Thursday night so oh my Lord are we going to kick back! Cinema, curry, boozing, the lot. Actually it's more likely we'll just clean the flippin' house & then crash. What with all my extra-curricular activities at the moment any quiet time is gold to be honest.
We did have a scare with Lucy-Cat (official name), our family feline last Thursday. On noticing how thin she was, Anna dragged her off to the vet to be told there was a large lump in her abdomen which felt fairly, well terminal. She gave Lucy a pre-emptive painkiller and told us to give them a call when we felt 'the time' had come. So I stocked up on fresh chicken, pilchards, tuna, all the stuff she's not usually allowed, on the basis that if she's going to check out, she'll do it on a full stomach and being fussed over.
Well as usual the cat doesn't seem to have read the script. She's eating 3-4 times a day, putting on weight and generally giving the impression of an animal getting on with it as opposed to rolling over. Not sure what the next stage is going to be but at the moment we're just enjoying the extra time. In the meantime we have had many discussions abou Heaven etc and that Lucy is going to be going there soon. We'll see.