Poorly Poppet
Well Merry Christmas one and all etc etc. Hope you all had a great time and are now glad to be back at work. As if.
Amelia has been coughing & sneezing on and off for the best part of 5 weeks now so this morning I visited the docs with her, the upshot being a course of antibiotics. Because Amelia was born with chronic lung disease, a result of the prematurity, we have to be on the lookout for wheeziness in the chest. Having had a good listen this morning there was evidence that it was causing a problem there so decided best course of action was to knock it on the head - so to speak. Amelia's lung problem has always meant that even though she should be fine generally, she'll basically never be a marathon runner either. It also means that chesty coughs have to monitored particularly carefully.
After all this time out of the unit and with Amelia generally making progress it's easy to forget she was a very poorly poppet indeed so better be safe than sorry.
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