Screams at midnight
Last night after a perfectly delightful evening of grinning and giggling, Amy went down at around 11:30PM without any trouble. At around 12:30 however we awoke to some blood-curdling screams from the nursery. She was crying so hard she was almost choking. We were pretty scared for about 5 minutes but when held upright she began to calm down so we can only assume that it was a sudden and extemely painful bout of wind. She must have got scared too resulting in a self-perpetuating panic - bless. I was in a bit of a state too frantically flicking through the leaflet about Meningitis symptoms. After about 40 mins of 'there, there' she went back down and that was the last we heard for the night.
This morning she was all smiles again and she's back on the baby rice to see if we can push that forward. She's been at the Doc's for innoculations too so I hope she's not feeling too bruised.
I'll put a couple of new pics up tonight. Sunday is a bit of a celebration - anyone know why?
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